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CHVA Officer Duties Handbook

This Booklet contains a list of all the National Officers (elected and appointed) of the CHVA and the specific duties of each position.

This booklet will be revised periodically and each Officer should make such additions, corrections, or deletions as are applicable to their position.


1. President

2. Vice-President

3. Secretary

4. Treasurer

5. National Meet/Tour Coordinator

6. Promotion Manager


1. Editor

2. Office Manager/Membership Officer

3. Historian/Librarian/Storage



Preside at all meetings of the Board of Officers. Call meetings as required.

When meetings are impractical, conduct Association business by appropriate means at least quarterly.

Discuss each item of business in separate numbered paragraphs.

Coordinate and consider replies of all Board Members in preparing the following Board Letter.

Offer and seek solutions to problems.

Discuss proposals initiated by other Board Members.

Appoint replacements when vacancies occur on the Board between elections.

Appoint Non-Board positions when necessary to conduct the business of the Association.

After each election, prepare a complete list of all Officers. Include name, address, contact info, and Board position. Include appointed Officers and Honorary Board Members. Send copies to each person on the list. Send new Board Members a copy of the Officers Job Handbook.

Prepare “President’s Column” for “AEV”, before publishing deadline and send to Editor.

Appoint committees as necessary.

Decide and take action in situations when there is not time to consult the entire Board.

Assist other Officers in their duties upon request.

Do everything possible to ensure continued smooth operation and development of the CHVA.

2. Vice-President

Assume the duties of the President, if necessary.

Head committees as requested by the President.

Oversee all elections. Conduct the election of the President.

Reply to Board Letters.

3. Secretary

Keep minutes and records of Board Meetings, when held.

Keep Board and Board Letter replies.

Be custodian of all ballots.

Answer any correspondence addressed to CVHA that is forwarded by the President.

Handle Club liability insurance, which includes the following:

1. Advising our insurance agency when to issue certificates of insurance and providing necessary information as to date of meet, place, etc.

2. Furnishing our agency with any information they might require from time to time.

3. Negotiating renewal of our insurance and putting out for bids as appropriate.

4. Furnishing answers to occasional questions about our coverage which can be found in the jobs reference material provided by the previous Secretary or obtained from the agent.

Reply promptly to Board Letters.

4. Treasurer

Receive Association’s income from various sources, predominately in checks, but sometimes in cash. The sources are: Membership dues, sale of any Club items by the National, agreed on profit split by sale of Club items by the various Regions, advertising in the “AEV”, and miscellaneous income.

Deposit moneys in the bank, keeping as much as practical in a savings account, and sufficient money for annual operations in an interest-bearing checking account to take advantage of interest accrued.

Keep accurate records of all transactions. Pay Association’s bills as soon as received, particularly taking advantage of early pay discounts. Pay legitimate receipted expenses submitted by Board Members. Advance moneys for seeding of National Tours.

Issue quarterly balance sheet and send copies to the President, Office Manager, at the first of each quarter, then to all board Members with reply to the Board Letter.

At fiscal year-end, issue year-end financial statement and send copies to all Board Members.

Complete and file U.S. Income Tax return for non-profit organization and any other financial forms required by states. California requires filing a tax return. Promptly pay other government fees, Corporate registration fee for state of Virginia and California registration as a foreign corporation.

Develop a proposed budget projection for the coming year and send to all Board Members before the end of year.

Maintain such additional records as may be convenient and prudent.

Notify the issuer of the occasional bounced check to reissue it within a specific period. If unsuccessful, notify the Office Manager to drop issuer as a member. Use of a polite letter is suggested. It is suggested that the Association Treasurer secure a fidelity bond covering them in their capacity as Treasurer for the Association’s and their own protection.

The Treasurer would secure it from an insurance agent of their own choosing and the National Association would pay the premium. The suggested amount of the bond would by one-third of the Association’ s previous annual budget.

This would be determined by referring to the most recent statement as of the previous November 30.

Reply promptly to board Letters.

5. National Meet/Tour Coordinator

The National Meet/Tour Coordinator shall be informed of all proposed National events by the sponsoring Region.

Arrange re-scheduling of such events if necessary, to avoid conflicts.

Assist Regions in organizing events if requested to do so.

Provide to the sponsors of National Meets/Tours:

  • Windshield Cards

  • Manual of How to Put on National Tour

  • Assure that National Meets are conducted in conformance with CHVA regulations.

  • Determine that publicity material before and after each event is sent to the Editor of the “AEV”.

6. Promotion Manager

Prepare and place articles about various Club events and activities in hobby publications or various media sources.

Encourage members and Regions to advertise their events in various media sources as well. Encourage members to write articles, contact local Chambers of Commerce or other groups that will promote the Club and get our name before the public.

In general, strive to promote CHVA in any sources available to keep the Club in front of the public as much as possible, and explain why we are the best Club in which to enjoy the hobby of old cars. Stress family involvement, touring and driving our old cars, as well as our relatively small size and our informal outlook on the hobby.

Reply promptly to Board Letters.



Supervise, edit and produce the “ACTION ERA VEHICLE”, Roster of Members, and such other publications as directed by the Board.

Direct all business related to the publication and circulation of the Associations periodicals.

The Editor shall have the authority to engage and dismiss editorial personal.

Reply promptly to discussion in the Board letter requested by the President.


Open mail, post and endorse checks received. Enter new expiration dates into records. Enter names of new members in appropriate files. Take care of any correspondence with Regions, Board Members, prospective members, etc. Answer inquires, or forward to appropriate Board Members for action. Make appropriate corrections to files as needed. Back-up files.

Print labels for the AEV. Keep copy of print out for office files. Fill out forms to request bulk mailings for individuals, and send with labels to publisher. Send out AEV’s to Members who haven’t received one, due to address change, etc.

Send endorsed checks to Treasurer as necessary to balance books. Provide membership information to Regions or Board Members upon request. Keep record of expenses for correspondence and office supplies. Send receipts or copies of office expenses to Treasurer for reimbursement. Fill out Postal Form #3526 and send a copy to the Editor for annual publication. Keep records in order for annual audit by United States Post Office. Must attend audit session and cooperate with Postal Officials.

Promptly reply to discussion in Board Letters as requested by President.


Collect, record and assemble all manner and type of materials pertaining to the affairs of the Association and also that pertaining to Regional business and activities.

National: Includes “AEV” magazines, all Board Letters and Treasurer’s Reports. Also maps, pictures, plaques and other materials related to the Annual National Tours.

Regional: Includes all Regional Newsletters and Annual Roster of Members (as required by their Charter), flyers and advertising of their meets, tours of other Regional activities. Also, pictures or newspaper articles of such events, plus a plaque from each event.

This material shall be placed in scrap books where suitable and maintained carefully, since it is irreplaceable.

Promptly reply to discussion in Board Letters as requested by President.


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