HELLO!! It’s time to start getting our classic vehicles out and about! Up here in Michigan we put them away for the winter months, to keep them out of the salt that’s used on the roads for ice. Salt and old cars don’t mix well together!
Last September we had our National Tour, which began in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, along Lake Michigan to the Upper Peninsula, across the Mackinac Bridge to the Lower Peninsula, and ending in Holland, Michigan. The tour was originally put together by Rich Gibbs before Covid shut everything down. With the help of Rich, Judy Borgmann (our tour coordinator), and my wife and I, we were able to resurrect it. I believe a good time was had by all. It was great to see old friends and make some new ones.
While we were gathered, we had a board meeting to conduct business. The first order of business was to elect officers. Results – President – Steve Schneider, Vice President – Bryan Wiseman, Recording Secretary – Scott Westbrook, Treasurer – Kathy O’Connell, National Meet/Tour Coordinator – Judy Borgmann, Promotion Manager – John Hannon. Mary Pope was appointed our Webmaster and Editor, replacing Charlie Smith who was our editor for FIFTY years! - thanks Charlie. We also appointed Laurie Wiseman as our new Office Manager, replacing Bob Higday. Bob had held that position for many years but due to health issues asked to step down. Thanks Bob, and we wish you better days ahead.
A discussion on how to continue with the AEV publication, (which is by far our biggest expense) and it was decided to make it a Bi-Annual publication. We would also like to make it largely an electronic version. Those who cannot receive it electronically would receive some type of printed edition.
One of the things that needs to be done is an update of Club member contact info. It would be a tremendous help if EVERYONE could provide their updated information. This has not been done in several years and would allow us to make sure that you receive things in a timely manner. Please text – email – or call Laurie at - wiseman104@comcast.net – ph.269-579-2877. Even if you think things are the same let us know, and PLEASE pass this around to all your CHVA friends. It’s the only way that we can make sure everyone is included.
We will have our National Tour this year in the Branson – Springfield, Missouri area for 2024. Looking at Mid-September. Please watch for upcoming details.
I would like to challenge everyone to recruit one new member to join CHVA this year. As you know those friends quickly become like family when on CHVA tours.
Looking forward to seeing you on the fall tour, it’ll be here before you know it!! Steve Schneider CHVA President